
Empowering Skills of Engineers and Technicians for the Energy Transition

Why we exist

P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation.

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What we do

P4ELECS aims to collaborate with research and industry to develop educational materials for a Building Block Platform focusing on the topic areas production, grid, and grid users. These materials will be designed for VET providers, HEIs, industry professionals, and individual learners in a modular and flexible format, based on state-of-the-art educational methodologies and digital educational tools.

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How we operate

P4ELECS is based on the CDIO initiative (Concept Design Implement Operate) initiated by MIT, which is a taxonomy of the skills and competences an engineer of the 21st century should have. The P4ELECS building blocks (BBs) , CDIO spiders and the building block platform (BBP) are built around this methodology.

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News Updates
Bouwblokken voor de energietransitie
Bouwblokken voor de energietransitie
13/09/2024 Eye 312

De klimaatdoelstellingen van de EU staan of vallen met de elektrificatie van de industrie en de samenleving. Deze transitie is niet alleen een kwestie van technologie. De echte uitdaging is ook van menselijke aard. Zullen er ingenieurs en technici genoeg zijn om de ambitieuze plannen uit te voeren? En vooral hebben ze de vereiste competenties om de klus te klaren? Prof. Annick Dexters van Campus Diepenbeek werkt aan een oplossing. 

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Administrator Administrator
Guidelines to identify skill needs
Guidelines to identify skill needs
12/09/2024 Eye 24
Guidelines to identify skill needs
Created by
Martijn van Bommel - ISSO Martijn van Bommel - ISSO
Coming soon
Quick Sheet
Developing instructional videos
Developing instructional videos
13/09/2024 Eye 0
In this quick sheet, we describe how you can develop an instructional video that supports your students’ learning. We explain points of attention and give practical tips.
Created by
An Verburgh - UCLL An Verburgh - UCLL
Coming soon
Introducing system thinking to develop P4ELECS skills ecosystems for electrification
Introducing system thinking to develop P4ELECS skills ecosystems for electrification
28/01/2025 Eye 196

Watch the video to learn more about how we plan linking education, innovation and employment at P4ELECS through system thinking, and more. 

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Contributor Contributor
P4ELECS receives Erasmus+ funding
P4ELECS receives Erasmus+ funding
11/09/2024 Eye 357

KU Leuven leads P4ELECS project with support from Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence funding.

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Administrator Administrator
Quick Sheet
Designing knowledge clips
Designing knowledge clips
13/09/2024 Eye 0
In this quick sheet, we explain how you can design powerful knowledge clips. Knowledge clips are short videos explaining a concept, a tool, a process, …
Created by
An Verburgh - UCLL An Verburgh - UCLL
Coming soon
Quick Sheet
Making digital assignments
Making digital assignments
13/09/2024 Eye 0
In this quick sheet, we explain how you can make digital assignments, with practical tips and examples on e.g. how to formulate an assignment and how to integrate feedback that fosters student learning.
Created by
An Verburgh - UCLL An Verburgh - UCLL
Coming soon
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