Introducing system thinking to develop P4ELECS skills ecosystems for electrification
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16/02/2025 • Reader 247
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Introducing system thinking to develop P4ELECS skills ecosystems for electrification

P4ELECS project partners looked into skills ecosystem’s challenges and opportunities in a first dedicated workshop “Five skills ecosystems for electrification in Europe – challenges and contexts” held in September at EnergyVille in Genk. 

Initial opportunities to develop more open educational systems adapted to today’s flow of knowledge already emerged, against a wide range of global as well as context-specific challenges. The involvement of local governments and learners along with the relevant sectors to harmonise actions, the focus on very specific skills for niche applications, but also on shared basic knowledge and the inclusion of both theory and practice in the learning paths are some of the new possibilities envisioned by participants. These are expected to overcome challenges such as managing an increasingly complex technology landscape and the growing distance between a multitude of specialised knowledge silos.

First hand experiences from an advanced ecosystem in Belgium where shared by speakers from AGORIA, FLUX50, T2 Campus and VOLTA who presented the most important changes of the past five years when it comes to collaboration between research, education and industry and how they can become even more efficient.

Watch the video to learn more about how we plan linking education, innovation and employment at P4ELECS through system thinking, and more. 

Introducing system thinking to develop P4ELECS skills ecosystems for electrification
Introducing system thinking to develop P4ELECS skills ecosystems for electrification
16/02/2025 Eye 247

Watch the video to learn more about how we plan linking education, innovation and employment at P4ELECS through system thinking, and more. 

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P4ELECS receives Erasmus+ funding
P4ELECS receives Erasmus+ funding
11/09/2024 Eye 413

KU Leuven leads P4ELECS project with support from Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence funding.

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Bouwblokken voor de energietransitie
Bouwblokken voor de energietransitie
13/09/2024 Eye 361

De klimaatdoelstellingen van de EU staan of vallen met de elektrificatie van de industrie en de samenleving. Deze transitie is niet alleen een kwestie van technologie. De echte uitdaging is ook van menselijke aard. Zullen er ingenieurs en technici genoeg zijn om de ambitieuze plannen uit te voeren? En vooral hebben ze de vereiste competenties om de klus te klaren? Prof. Annick Dexters van Campus Diepenbeek werkt aan een oplossing. 

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