P4ELECS receives Erasmus+ funding
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11/09/2024 • Reader 414
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P4ELECS receives Erasmus+ funding

On April 10, 2024 KU Leuven, acting as coordinator, was happy to announce to have been awarded a grant under the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence call. The proposed project, Platform for Electrification Skills and Competences(P4ELECS), addresses a critical need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector by focusing on the provision of competences and practical skills for projects crucial to the energy transition.

P4ELECS aims to streamline the transition from research to implementation and promote international exchange of knowledge and experience through an integrated system. With electrification as its cornerstone, the project involves partnerships across higher education and Vocational Education and Training (VET) sectors, industry, innovation support organisations, and public authorities responsible for education, accreditation, and employment at regional and national level in five countries (BE, NL, IT, LV, DE).

Coordinated by KU Leuven, this initiative targets both VET excellence and innovation support, and will benefit various stakeholders including VETs, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), enterprises, industry-related training providers, engineers, and technicians. P4ELECS will provide a comprehensive training curriculum that meets the highest European quality standards and will facilitate practical international experience based on skills needs intelligence.

Over a period of 48 months, this collaborative effort, involving KU Leuven as coordinator, 23 full partners, and 7 associated partners, will receive a total EU grant of 3.99 million euros. KU Leuven's role in this project includes a grant of 1 million euros. Professor Annick Dexters of the Faculty of Engineering Technology is the contact person at KU Leuven for this groundbreaking project.

This project represents an important milestone in strengthening competences, bridging the gap between research and practical implementation, and fostering robust international collaborations in the field of electrification and the broader energy transition landscape.


P4ELECS receives Erasmus+ funding
P4ELECS receives Erasmus+ funding
11/09/2024 Eye 414

KU Leuven leads P4ELECS project with support from Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence funding.

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Introducing system thinking to develop P4ELECS skills ecosystems for electrification
Introducing system thinking to develop P4ELECS skills ecosystems for electrification
16/02/2025 Eye 247

Watch the video to learn more about how we plan linking education, innovation and employment at P4ELECS through system thinking, and more. 

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Bouwblokken voor de energietransitie
Bouwblokken voor de energietransitie
13/09/2024 Eye 361

De klimaatdoelstellingen van de EU staan of vallen met de elektrificatie van de industrie en de samenleving. Deze transitie is niet alleen een kwestie van technologie. De echte uitdaging is ook van menselijke aard. Zullen er ingenieurs en technici genoeg zijn om de ambitieuze plannen uit te voeren? En vooral hebben ze de vereiste competenties om de klus te klaren? Prof. Annick Dexters van Campus Diepenbeek werkt aan een oplossing. 

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